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Feminine Energy Unleashed


Ever feel like you’re all about hustle and logic in your business, and kinda ignoring your gut feelings and emotions?

As a female solopreneur running your own show, mixing both the go-getter vibe and a bit of intuition can really make your business feel more ‘you.’

Find out how using a bit of both can help you make smarter choices, connect better with your clients, and make your whole business journey more satisfying.

Ultimate Digital Toolkit


Check out my go-to list of online tools that have been game-changers for me!  They’re all in this handy PDF I’ve put together.

These are the tools I use every day to make work smoother and give me more time to focus on growing my business.

Grab your copy from my website and start streamlining your work like a pro!

hi there,

I'm Dori

My mission is to empower women to break free from self-sabotage and step into their full power. I aim to help them build confidence and find the courage to create a life that truly excites them.

In my approach I integrate traditional coaching, mindfulness practices, embodiment techniques, neuroscience, and inner child work to help women transform their lives from the inside out.

Having lived location-independent for several years, I’ve mastered navigating transitions and uncertainties. This lifestyle constantly exposes me to new techniques and learning experiences, which I bring into our coaching sessions. My lifestyle shows that you can thrive and succeed outside the usual norms, embracing a life full of growth and adventure.