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women's circle

Women Circle

📅 Date:  January 25th 

🕓 Time: 4 PM (CET)

💻 Location: ZOOM

💸 Entry: FREE! 

Join us online for an inspiring and uplifting Women’s Circle, exclusively designed for dynamic business women like you! This is a unique opportunity to connect, share, and grow with fellow women leaders in the business world.

Why Attend?

  • 🤝 Network with like-minded business women.
  • 📈 Discuss challenges and triumphs in the business arena.
  • 💡 Gain insights and perspectives to empower your business journey.
  • 🙏 Support and be supported in a nurturing and positive environment.

Join Our Circle!

hi there,

I'm Dori

As a true manifesting generator, I thrive in diverse roles – from business coach to event organizer, keynote speaker, and more, each role highlighting a unique aspect of my approach to life and business. My experience in organizing intimate retreats and overseeing large-scale events is all about promoting personal and professional development. Recognizing the value of feminine energy in business, I’m committed to encouraging women to harness this alongside their masculine traits.
My passion for empowering women inspired me to create the She Owns It mastermind community. Here, I bring women together, offering them the tools and insights they need to grow, both personally and in their businesses.