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Hey there!

I'm Dori Juhasz

I empower ambitious women to step into their full power by overcoming self-doubt and negative thought patterns, creating a life of fulfillment and confidence from the inside out.

Dori Juhasz
It’s time to give yourself permission to  
be you
try something new
change your mind
share your story

Pick your journey

From Stuck to Unstoppable

Stop self-sabotage and step into your full power. Embark on a deep inner journey to reconnect with yourself, identify and overcome your limiting beliefs, and become the person you were always meant to be.

From Hidden to Impactful

Overcome your fear of public speaking and step into your power. Craft your authentic message, create an engaging speech, and inspire the world with your story. Stop playing small and make a lasting impact.

There comes a time in all of our lives when we realize that staying where we are is more painful than making a change.

Have you ever felt that despite all your achievements, something is still missing? You know there’s untapped potential within you, but self-doubt and limiting beliefs hold you back. Perhaps you’ve delayed launching your own business, fearing it won’t succeed, or avoided sharing your journey on stage, worried about judgment or convinced it isn’t worth sharing. A part of you is still hiding, keeping you from stepping into your full power. You’ve might event have lost touch with this part, unsure of what it truly wants, and all you hear are the doubts and constant chatter of your mind.

You’re might be waiting for the perfect moment to make a change, but that moment never seems to arrive. Or perhaps you’ve taken action – countless courses, self-help books – yet find yourself right back where you started. It’s frustrating. You take a step forward, but unconsciously hit the brakes. You logically know what you want, but there’s a disconnect between your desires and your actions. Another year goes by, and you can’t help but think you should be much further along by now.

It's time to make a change.

When you realize that staying where you are is more painful than changing, it’s a sign you’re ready for transformation. You’re ready to uncover and overcome the beliefs that are holding you back. You’re ready to reconnect with yourself and create a life that truly excites you.

Picture waking up every day feeling excited about life. Imagine finding the courage to be your true self and showing up authentically in every aspect of your life. Together, we will transform your life from the inside out, creating a reality where you feel confident, fulfilled, and deeply connected with yourself.

Engage Your Audience with Me

Empower your audience to step into their full power.
I deliver impactful keynotes and workshops, helping individuals overcome obstacles and unleash their potential. I’m also happy to be a guest on your podcast. Let’s collaborate to create a memorable
and inspiring experience. 

Your guide

Hey, I’m Dori. I’m a Self Sabotage & Public Speaking Coach and an International Keynote Speaker.

My mission is to empower women to break free from self-sabotage and step into their full power. I aim to help them build confidence and find the courage to create a life that truly excites them.

In my approach I integrate traditional coaching, mindfulness practices, somatic healing, NLP, embodiment techniques, and inner child work to help women transform their lives from the inside out.

Having lived location-independent for several years, I’ve mastered navigating transitions and uncertainties. This lifestyle constantly exposes me to new techniques and learning experiences, which I bring into my coaching sessions. My lifestyle shows that you can thrive and succeed outside the usual norms, embracing a life full of growth and adventure.

Get in touch

Send me a message

I would love to hear from you! Simply fill out the form below or write me an email at HELLO@DORIJUHASZ.COM

Schedule a free call

Schedule a free Clarity Call with me to see if we’re the right fit for each other.