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Hey there,

I'm Dori Juhasz and I love bringing people together. Whether it's organizing an event, hosting an intimate retreat, facilitating a workshop, or delivering a captivating keynote speech, I absolutely love creating opportunities for connection and growth. I'm thrilled to have you here so I can share a little bit more about my journey and how I got here.

Where it all began.

It all started with Cuban salsa... let me explain. Connection, freedom, growth, and fun are the values that drive me in everything I do. However, in 2017, I felt trapped and unfulfilled. I needed to escape. Event management has always been a passion of mine but whilst I sat in that office in a job that no longer provided me with what I desired, I realised it was restricting both my freedom and personal growth. I had a burning desire to explore the world, and at the top of my bucket list was Cuba. Ever since I started dancing, Cuba had been my dream—I longed to fully experience its vibrant culture and spend my days dancing with the locals.

After making the decision to go on a solo trip to Cuba with a one-way ticket, I came across an exciting opportunity: the Nomad Cruise. Without hesitation, I knew I had to be a part of it.

In September 2017, I embarked on not only the ship but also a life-changing adventure that transformed my life. My goal was clear: I wanted to become location-independent.

I explored various fields, from marketing to project management, until an extraordinary opportunity unfolded in 2019. I found myself running and hosting Nomad Cruise, the event that ignited my love for this lifestyle. This opportunity was perfect for me. I found my way back to event management – something I’ve always been passionate about – and it also sparked a newfound passion for public speaking.

Since then, I’ve had the chance to create some truly amazing experiences. I’ve been organizing and hosting events lasting from just one day to as long as two weeks, catering to groups ranging from 30 to well over 400 participants. Additionally, I’ve been actively practicing my new passion, public speaking, taking the stage in different locations around the world.

In a nutshell, here is what I do

event management

Ready to bring your event vision to life? I'll guide you from start to finish, crafting unforgettable moments.

event hosting (MC)

Want to create a vibrant atmosphere at your event but don’t want to be on stage - I can be your host!

public speaking

Inspire and engage your audience with my impactful and compelling talks.

workshop facilitation

Guiding interactive sessions with curated activities that spark meaningful connections in a playful atmosphere.

event consultation

Ready to organize your own event or retreat but need guidance? Let me help.